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Wynk THC Mocktails

We love the THC Seltzers from Wynk! Honestly, they are absolutely amazing to crack into on their own but when you’re looking to spice things up a bit, they work great in a mocktail too! We were fortunate enough to have the folks from Wynk out our Detroit launch party on February 4th and they crushed it with the mocktail bar! Certainly a fan favorite.

Weren’t able to make it to our launch party? No worries! The great people from Wynk have you covered. They have three mocktail recipes that are simple enough for you to try at home. Spiced Pear Punch, Cherry Apple Fizz and our personal favorite, Thyme Citrus Sparkler. Which one is your favorite? Guess you’ll have to try them all and find out 😉

Check out the full recipes at drinkwynk.com

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